Sex is not Love.

Sex is not equal to love neither indeed can be. If sex is the same as love, then prostitutes should experience the greatest love. They would be the best expression of what true love is. Meanwhile the greatest expression of true love has always been the love of a mother to a child. A true mother wants to nurture,  nourish, preserve and defend her child. This is evident in mankind as well as in all living things.

If sex was the same as love, then incest would be the most natural thing to be involved in. The fact that incest is considered strange and criminalised gives credence to the fact that man can truly love without sex being involved. It is high time human beings begin to realize that love is greater than and can never be measured by the level of sexual activity nor gratification which comes from it.

Sex is a craving just as one craves for food when he is hungry. Nature makes us realize that satisfying our cravings in a non discreet manner brings complications. Eating indiscriminately  can result in allergies, sicknesses and death. We therefore learn not to eat anyhow neither should we eat just anywhere for our own good. In the same vein, Sex is a craving which needs to be controlled.  We must learn to be discreet in the way we set about satisfying the urge for Sex. Thus, we must have healthy sexual habits.

To understand the relationship between love and Sex therefore, we must accept the fact that love is completely different from Sex.  There can be Sex without love, there can be love without Sex and love can involve Sex. Those who portray Sex as a sign of love or affection try to dignify Sex but the effect on the long run is that love loses value when equated with sex. 

 Sex therefore is only dignified in a right relationship where love is assured with the purpose to preserve, nurture, nourish and protect the partner and the product. Sex is not without consequence. Sex has a result which is the essence of the act and is meant to occur in an atmosphere created to appreciate, accept and preserve the result. Having Sex without a sense of responsibility to the partner or the result of our activity should be considered an heinous crime.

Note that all the sensations which come over you at the sight, smell and touch of a person which ultimately leads to sexual pleasure cannot equate love. Do not accept sex as a proof of love. Doing this has led to multiple sorrows and history is riddled with stories of individuals and kingdoms destroyed though unbridled sex. Accept sex only when love is proven and there is commitment to nurture, nourish,  preserve and defend the partner and the result. Anything to the contrary should be considered either as rape, whoredom or outright stupidity.

This writeup has nothing against contraception especially when it is for family planning. This is written for the confused teenager and that young person in search for true love. I want you to know that “Sex is not equal to love”. If he/she is asking you for sex as an expression of love, it is a lie. If you truly want love, walk away from him/her. If you do not walk away, do not come back to say, “I did it for love”. No, you did not. You wanted sex, not love. Neither should you after many years of multiple sexual partners come back and say, “there is no true love”. Yes, there is true love just that you decided to sacrifice love on the altar of sex.

John O. Agboola.

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