Sleep deprivation is a deadly enemy

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our health, and it should not be taken lightly. Getting enough sleep every night is essential for a healthy body and mind. Not only will sleeping well help you to have a sound mind and great memory, but it will also help you to stay energized throughout the day.

Creating a healthy sleeping environment is key to getting the right amount of sleep each night. This means having an appropriate mattress, a noise-free bedroom, and comfortable temperature in your bedroom. Additionally, it’s important to establish a consistent sleep schedule so that your body can get used to it and adjust accordingly. With these tips in mind, you can ensure that you get the restful sleep you need for optimal health.

Over time, we owe sleep debts if we don’t sleep the recommended hours of sleep daily. For adults, this is 7-8 hours daily. Children/Kids and teenagers need more than this. As we get older, our brains begin to feel the effects of many days of lack of sleep. The first sign may include poor memory, forgetting things easily, having difficulty remembering things, and losing long time memory -these memories begin to fade like a dream instead of an existent reality of the past. The individual realizes that engaging in mentally tasking activities becomes less pleasurable. The individual becomes more irritable, has emotional instability, and his/her blood pressure begins to go up. Headaches may become more frequent.

Sleep debts are difficult to pay back. The brain has great elasticity but if it is stretched too far, it may not fully recover. Some recovery is better than no recovery. Sleep deprivation is presently being touted as a veritable cause of senile dementia including Alzheimer’s disease. So, if you are having symptoms of sleep deprivation, it is time to cool things down and start a process of recovery.

Sleep time is the only time that our brain, I mean, the conscious mind finds the time to recover and feed information properly into the subconscious mind, It is also the time to create long-term memories and consolidate knowledge. The lack of this process begins to affect the individual in the long term. So, if you are having symptoms of sleep deprivation, it is time to press the break and work on your sleeping habit before you get too old and beyond help.

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