I was in India in March 2012. The country has kept improving over the years. India is a growing economy that will hold the world spell bound over the next many years. Ahead of India is China but much of African economy is changing bearing from China to India.

My visit to India 2012
My visit to India 2012

In the picture above is Taj Mahal. The city known for the tale of Love. Anywhere you turn, from whichever angle you approach Taj Mahal, the palace looks the same. The Palace is in a large court that replicates the same resemblance in all direction: North, East, West and South, having eight gardens. From the center of the palace you can see anyone approaching from the main (north) gate.

Taj Mahal was not built with mortar, bricks or cement. It was built by more than 800 craftsmen who worked on marble and precious stones. No painting of any sort was done. Every colour on the wall was a precious stone.

In the picture above, I am seated second from the left.

The sad story about Taj Mahal is that the Queen for whom the Palace was built died before it was completed, She died at childbirth (of the 18th child!). Thereafter, she was buried at the center of the Palace, with the King’s tomb beside hers. A palace meant to be inhabited became a Tomb. The magnificent edifice is one of the wonders of our world. If you have the oportunity, pay a visit to Taj Mahal.Taj Mahal 3

In 2012, after my training in India, I became a member of The World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons (WALS).

Today, April 28th 2015, I have also become a member of the International Association for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. India and especially the World Laparoscopy Hospital has definitely become part of my Success story. You will also be a success and I will be part of your success story.

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In the picture is Prof. R. K. Mishra to the right, Dr. Chowhan to the left  as I stood to pick up my certificate in Endoscopy.


9 thoughts on “LIFE IN INDIA

  1. I am so happy see u at the top. there is surely greater height and you shall get there if Jesus tarries. I am very glad to have met you in kano. you are an inspiration


  2. Hmmmm my big brother as you usually say….i believed in you and I am happy to have associated with you…you were and still an inspiration…By God’s grace you will be all the Lord said you will be…I am coming behind and by His grace we will all tell of our success stories


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